SOLD ~ Oakland – Please check out our other homes! Sold
- 1 beds
- 1 baths
- approximately 450 sqft
- Address:
- 1147 Oakland
Kansas City, Kansas 66102 - Square Feet:
- approximately 450
- Bedrooms:
- 1
- Bathrooms:
- 1
- Terms:
- For Sale
- Property Type:
- Duplex
Additional Features
This is a 1 bedroom & 1 bath living unit. Home has had a complete makeover with new paint throughout, new tile floors in bath & kitchen, & hardwoods refinished. There is a new stove, new window air conditioner, fridge, walk in closets in front room & bedroom with lots of storage space in bathroom & kitchen. To schedule a walk through fill out an application online. Once it is received we will contact you to set a date & time for the showing. This is a NO smoking, NO animal unit. Section 8 vouchers welcome to apply.